Sunday, 1 November 2015

Combat Knife - Classwork

For our practice work in class we were set the task of modelling a combat knife from a given image and following along in sessions and a given tutorial in stages to create the final outcome. To create the knife we learned new tools such as the quad draw tool which I found useful and an easier way to model for me compared to creating from scratch, and this tool helped me within my own Triple A asset also. Throughout modelling my combat knife I have struggled with following along with the tutorial past the quad draw stage as I didn't find the tutorial easy to follow or understand and I found the knife complicated and fiddly and also encountered many problems which were hard to fix without re-starting the model from scratch. After much time spent on this model and being fairly happy with the outcome, I am leaving it at the current stage it is as I feel as though it shows off the combat knife to the best of my ability and I need to focus the time into my other work for my own Triple A asset and group projects to comply with deadlines.